The present service profile of has been developed from the experience of countless projects. Its structure is based on the recommendations and guidelines of the AHO publication series and has been expanded to include the aspects mentioned above. Further guidelines have also been incorporated from auditing practice.
The focus during its preparation was on the fact that it was designed to be comprehensive for the three main stakeholders in Monitoring, i.e. banks, investors and users can be applied. The focus of the audit should be adapted by the executing agency and its client.
It is also very important that the audit methodology is not predetermined. A risk-oriented audit approach is recommended in order to comply with the regulatory requirements to proceed.
The present performance profile enables the monitor and the recipient of the report to prepare both a detailed report and an audit certificate. Especially for the latter, detailed and structured systems and tools are used in practice.
From the point of view of the authors, all risk management systems are equal in that they should be comprehensible and consistently structured. For this reason, it is recommended to use appropriate digital tools for both qualitative and quantitative application.
The independence of the auditor is indispensable. At present there is no concrete specification as to how this must be interpreted, but it is advisable to use similar and audit-related specifications. The ethical standards of RICS, the German Commercial Code (HGB) with regard to independence for auditors of annual financial statements or the BelWertV should be mentioned here. A transparent and open approach to this topic should be the prerequisite for any action in the field of risk management and construction monitoring. Translated with (free version)
At this point, it should be clarified once again that this is a non-binding recommendation which may have to be adapted to the requirements of individual projects and does not claim to be fully comprehensive.
Your Baumonitoring Team
1) Definitions
The work of the construction monitor does not end with the collection and writing down of information. Rather, a qualified Risk management at this point. The monitor prepares the information in such a way that he can check its plausibility, analyze it in detail and finally evaluate it for the recipient of the investigation.
“Monitoring and evaluation can help an organization extract relevant information from past and ongoing activities that can be used as the basis for programmatic fine-tuning, reorientation and future planning.”
1.1 Plausibility check
An in-depth analysis of the issues is preceded by an overarching consideration of data and information for logic and plausibility.
1.2 Analysis
The analysis of the data and information is carried out according to a defined methodology. The analysis generates a quantification and measurability of the existing and collected data.
1.3 Evaluation
The results of the analysis are compared with target values. From this, a deviation from a set target or a general target value can be identified and statements can be made about corresponding risks.
2) Project phases
In order to establish a temporal project reference, it is recommended to divide the project into different phases. The project and the perspective of the client should always be taken into account and the structure adapted accordingly.
The operational separation of the project phases from the sequence of monitoring is also important. The latter is often divided into 4 areas:
- Pre-Signing – Red-Flag Report
- Base report
- Regular reports (e.g. monthly)
- Final report
Since monitoring does not necessarily begin at project initiation, but sometimes only in the execution phase, the performance of the above-mentioned project areas and thus also the risk profile of the project to be considered varies.
2.1 Project initiation
Describes the first phase in which the project idea arises. Usually, benchmarks and key figures are used in this phase. Often first feasibility studies are made in this phase.
2.2 Preparation
Describes the concretization of the project. Often in this phase, the purchase of land is made and an initial time frame and budget is drawn up. The work phases of HOAI 1 & 2 are carried out.
2.3 Planing
Describes the phase of concrete planning. The work phases of HOAI 3 & 4 are carried out.
2.4 Execution
Describes the phase of commissioning and constructional execution. The work phases of HOAI 5 to 8 are carried out.
2.5 Commissioning
Particularly in the case of projects in which commercial or industrial use of the properties is essential, the commissioning phase is essential for the planned start date of production.
2.6 Closure
Describes the handover phase of the construction project to the building operation. The performance phase of HOAI 9 is executed.
2.7 Marketing
The marketing of the property is decoupled in time from the other phases. In some cases, it begins at the project initiation stage and possibly ends after completion of the property in the event of a sale including tenants who have moved in.
3) Fields of action
In line with the AHO, it is recommended to divide the project into 5 fields of action. Assuming that the active project management adheres to this division and structure, this will make the work of the examiner much easier, in addition to a meaningful division of the monitoring.
3.1 Organisation
Plausibility check, analysis and evaluation depending on the project phase of:
- Organizational forms of the project
- Reporting requirements and implementation of the reporting system
- Structure and design of the risk management system
- handed over project documents and project documentation
- efficiency of the responsible acting persons
- Change management and documentation
3.2 Contracts / awards
Plausibility check, analysis and evaluation depending on the project phase of:
- Award and contract structures with regard to the project structure
- Insurance concept
- project and work contracts for possible risks
- contractual services to budget
- Acceptance process and acceptance procedure
3.3 Costs / Construction status
Plausibility check, analysis and evaluation depending on the project phase of:
- Budgets, cost frames, cost development, forecasting and costs with a suitable and audit-proof IT system
- Evaluation of additional and reduced costs and reserve (development)
3.4 Schedules
Plausibility check, analysis and evaluation depending on the project phase of:
- Schedule frame, schedule management, schedule control, schedule targets
- Commissioning and implementation
- Marketing schedule
3.5 Quality / quantity
Plausibility check, analysis and evaluation depending on the project phase of:
- Demand planning and planning status including approval procedures
- technical building specifications compared to loan agreements, purchase agreements, rental agreements, etc.
- Defect management of the processes for documentation and execution
- Award or documentation for certifications
- specified quality standards to neutral evaluation criteria
4) Glossary
AHO Committee of the Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for the Fee Structure e. V.
BelWertV Regulation on the determination of the mortgage lending values of properties in accordance with § 16 par. 1 and 2 of the Pfandbrief Act
HGB German Commercial Code
HOAI Ordinance on Fees for Architects' and Engineers' Services
RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
AHO Heft 9 – Projektmanagementleistungen in der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft
(Mai 2014)
AHO Heft 19 – Ergänzende Leistungsbilder im Projektmanagement für die Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft (Januar 2018)