
Major projects involve complexity as well as complicated cost structures. In order to keep the real figures under control, the management of projects such as Terminal 3 of Frankfurt Airport is hardly conceivable today without special cost management software. But even the most sophisticated software cannot compensate for cost increases due to technical or planning errors. Delays in major projects are Read more



Die Situation auf deutschen Projektbaustellen hat sich nach dem ersten Schock des Lockdowns beruhigt, die Auswirkungen der Coronakrise haben sich auf niedrigem Niveau eingependelt. Die Immobilienwirtschaft hat sich bis hierhin als erfreulich stabil erwiesen. Allerdings ist es zu früh, das Ende der Coronakrise auszurufen. Experten sind sich sicher, dass die langfristigen negativen Marktimpulse sich mit Read more



Jana Männer is conducting a survey as part of a master's thesis at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences on the topic "Determination of construction costs in building construction using cost databases". The aim of the survey is to gain insight into the understanding of cost databases, the awareness and distribution on the market and requirements for databases



In week nine since the start of the Corona Real Estate Index surveys, the situation on the project sites has been stable overall. Observed over the entire month of May, this picture is consolidating. Four weeks ago the thermometer showed 37.0 degrees, since then the temperature has remained stable at 36.8 degrees, which means no fever. In the current study, more can already be seen Read more



Auf den deutschen Baustellen läuft es laut dem “Corona-Immobilien-Index” von Baumonitoring mittlerweile wieder weitgehend normal. Gut zwei Drittel (67 %) der Unternehmen sehen keinerlei Einschränkungen bei der Material-  und Personalsituation auf ihren Baustellen. In der Vorwoche lag dieser Wert noch bei 43 %. Der Anteil derer, die leichte Engpässe haben, sank von 57 auf 33 Read more



Never since the beginning of the investigations of the Corona Real Estate Index has the real estate industry been as stable as it is today. The situation, now in its sixth week, is getting better and better. Only slight shortages of materials and staff on German project development construction sites are still seen in this week of research. This is shown by the results of the current Corona Real Estate Index of baumonitoring.com, the network of renowned companies in the real estate industry. Read more



Parts of the real estate industry have apparently adapted to the current corona situation. At least that is what the results of the Corona Real Estate Index of the network baumonitoring.com suggest. The situation with regard to staffing levels and the supply of materials is apparently improving steadily. Read more



The service profile of baumonitoring.com has been developed from the experience of countless projects. It is based in its structure on recommendations and specifications of the AHO publication series and has been expanded to include the aspects mentioned above. From the revision practice further defaults flowed in addition. The focus during the creation was on the fact that it is comprehensive for the three main stakeholders in the area of monitoring, i.e. Read more



Construction monitoring 2.0 - The expectations of many construction monitors or bank controllers of the new digital possibilities of monitoring are high. Indeed, new tools offer a qualitative leap in terms of efficiency, timeliness and accessibility. However, with the new possibilities, the demands on the monitors also grow - this is where the new "Monitoring Day" series comes in. In the casual Read more



Construction projects as big as medium-sized companies Imagine 600 construction workers, 50 planners and 20 project managers coming together for four years to build a high-rise building for 250 million euros. Such volumes are comparable to the turnover of a medium-sized company - only that this company has been manufacturing similar products and well-established processes for 30 years. Read more